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​Color-change Vehicle Wraps

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Vinyl vehicle wraps are great for promoting business but one of the coolest ways to use vinyl is to color-change personal vehicles. If your car or truck needs a paint job, consider doing a color-change vinyl wrap. Vinyl is cheaper than paint and, as an added bonus, there’s no commitment. I like that. For those of us with commitment issues (you know who you are) this is a perfect type of application.

If you own a classic vehicle that may be a collector’s item, painting will devalue it but a vinyl wrap will not. Vinyl color-change wrap gives a restored look to the vehicle without depreciating your investment.

Color-change vehicle wraps are used on both early and late model vehicles

We often wrap vehicles directly from the dealership for new owners who want to create a custom look. Some new vehicles have a very limited color selection, while vinyl wrap is available in all kinds of colors and finishes. Matte finish color-change is trending now but let’s say next year you’re ready for a change and want a bright shiny finish. It’s a simple thing to have it removed and new vinyl installed…or not. Because, guess what, vinyl acts as a protective barrier and your paint underneath will be perfect! Now that’s a beautiful thing!


